Wordpress Migration
I finally migrated my blog from Wordpress.com to GitHub pages. I could’ve just started with GitHub pages to begin with, but in the beginning I just wanted to get going. And now that things have been going, it was time to take the next step.
First I had to export my posts from Wordpress. Self-hosted sites allow you to install your own add-ons, like jekyll-exporter but I using a free site and used their built-in exporter.
To convert the export to markdown, I used https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-import. Not all the posts converted perfectly, and I went back through some to remove the in-line HTML and asset linking.
Since I use Vagrant as often, making a Jekyll box for testing was a given. There are some premade Jekyll boxes available, but I’d rather just have my own Ansible playbook I could use on any machine.
I don’t think I’ll have any pages (About Me, Contact, Porfolio/Resume) for now, the main goal of this is to journal my technical learning and improve my writing, so I’ll worry about them later.