What I Read This Year - 2021
This year my new job exposed me to a lot of new concepts, so I decided on spending my reading time on fiction instead. The titles aren’t revolutionary, but they’re all new reads for me so I had fun.
Harry Potter: I grew up during the hype, but could never get into the books or movies. I wanted to see what missed out on so I started (and finished) the series. A side effect is I’m now able to see all the differences compared to the movies.
- Philosopher’s Stone
- Chamber of Secrets
- Prisoner of Azkaban
- Goblet of Fire
- Order of the Phoenix
- Half-Blood Prince
- Deathly Hallows
Lord of the Rings: Yes, The Hobbit isn’t part of the trilogy, but I still read it anyways as an introduction to Tolkien’s style. Even with that I couldn’t finish the series. I think it’s partly because I didn’t completely buy in, and I had the same issue when I tried reading Dune. It’s a great book, but very exposition heavy in the beginning. In the end it’s worth it, but it takes a few tries to get over the hump.
- The Hobbit
- The Fellowship of the Ring (up to Book II: The Ring Goes South)