I flew to high with my networking. Looking at the OpenWRT forums, the chipset for my WRT1900AC Rev. 1 isn’t well supported. I’ve had to deal with various network failures, continued 5G Wifi outages, and overall flakeyness.

Part of me is a bit sad that my work for FOSS is hurting me more than helping, and part of me is ashamed that I’m not committing to owning my network inside and out. But the last part of me is frustrated with having to tinker on a solved problem and just wants things to work.

I flashed my WRT1900AC back to it’s OEM ROM and I haven’t had any issues, if anything it’s better then ever.

I also sold off my entire homelab. Over the past years as I’ve upgraded my desktop, I’d make systems for my lab with the left over parts. Being honest with myself, it’s always been a solution looking for a problem. I’d think about a VM host, media servier, or virtualizing my ad-blocking. But my priorities have changed and I don’t care to tinker with all the tech in my life, so I’m okay with leaving everything stocks so I can enjoy using it to focus on other things.