A continuation of Personal Presentaions and uncovering more work I did as an undergrad.

ICS 111 - Introduction to Computer Science: The final for this class was a group project to write a program to heard chickens into a coop using the drones. Then if we wanted, we could compete against other groups to see who could herd them the fastest for some school shirts. It’s not impossible, but this was my first time coding (along with many others in our group), the instructor wasn’t good, and we had to use a custom Java library the instructor’s graduate student wrote, so we could only get help from them. The basic algorithm other groups used were to find a chicken, have the drones form around it, then move towards the coop to heard them. The algorithm (or lack of) we created was to have the drones make a vertical line and move back and forth to slowly jeuje the chickens to the coop. It wasn’t as sophisticated as others, but still landed us in upper half of the pack in the group competition. The winning group got creative and abused the fact that the coop size was public (instead of protected or final) and just set it to the size of the screen, so at start all the chickens would be ‘in’ the coop. Group 6.3 Project 3 ICS 111 Spring 2015

ICS 485 - Video Game Design and Development: This class was also taught by the previous instructor. A positive is that we were able to use whatever tools we wanted, like Unity, so it was easier to look up things we needed to know. A negative is that the lectures didn’t teach anything relevant, and instead just grandstanded with guest speakers hand waving about what it’s like to think about making games, so most of us just skipped leactures and watched Unity tutorials on our own. Gritty City Vigilante Committee

Looking back at both these classes, they were taught by the same instructor. As an computer scientist they’re a genius (and brought in a lot of grant money and hype to our CS department), but as a teacher they should let someone else take over. But I am thankful that they had us document our work so I’m able to look back on it and reminice.